*Delinquency or Resiliency? How "Problem" Behavior Can Be A Child's Hidden Path to Resilience (1 ECE Hour)
“We see it in our classrooms and on the evening news: an endless stream of children and teenagers who act with seemingly senseless disregard for themselves and others. But there is another side to this. Dr. Michael Ungar's work with troubled youth...
* Children and Divorce: The Role of the Early Childhood Educator (1 ECE Hour)
5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Early childhood educators are often the front line for experiencing the impact of separation and divorce on children. In addition to providing support to upset children, they are oftentimes drawn into the actual custody and access dispute of the p...
*Compassion Fatigue (1 ECE Hour)
4.0 average rating (35 reviews)Compassion Fatigue refers to the profound emotional and physical exhaustion that helping professionals and caregivers can develop over the course of their career. It is a gradual erosion of all the things that keep us connected to others: ou...
*Understanding Parents of Diverse Cultures
This module discusses potential barriers to meaningful parent-teacher interactions in ethno-culturally diverse child care settings, as identified by research conducted in the 1990s. Readers are encouraged to consider whether similar barriers stil...
*Building Better Relationships in Early Childhood Education
This module is the third in a series describing the “troubled relationships in early childhood education” between parents and educators. In it, new directions and approaches for educators are described and explored. This module includes ex...
Troubled Relationships in Early Childhood Education
Family engagement is emerging as a component of excellent early childhood programs. In a multi-cultural country, communication and relationship-building can be challenging when families and educators have different experiences, practices a...