Course Description

This book is about settlement in the twenty-first century and, in particular, the settlement of immigrant and refugee children, especially young children under the age of eight. Settlement programming for young children is not necessarily custodial or educational. It is not the same as child care or early childhood education, but it can be an essential element of what happens in a child care setting or school classroom. In fact, in a program that serves immigrant and refugee children, attention to settlement issues is an essential element of quality which signals that the program extends beyond the basics and, while serving all of the participating children, has the potential to address the distinctive needs of each newcomer child present.

Author, Consultant Judith Colbert, PHD

Judith is a writer, researcher & training specialist. As a Canadian consultant with an international perspective, her goal is to build bridges between research & practice, mainstream & newcomer experiences.Much of her work focuses on care for young immigrants & refugees. She is particularly interested in the development of appropriate standards for the delivery of quality care for newcomer populations & in the relationship between the settlement of young children & their successful transition to kindergarten.

Course curriculum

    1. Download: Welcoming Newcomer Children

    1. Chapter 1: Settlement

    2. Chapter 2: The Settlement of Young Children

    3. Chapter 3: Culture

    1. Chapter 4: Cultural Transmission

    2. Chapter 5: Parent / Child Transmission

    3. Chapter 6: Teacher / Child Transmission

    4. Chapter 7: Child / Peer Transmission

    1. Chapter 8: Settlement And Readiness

    2. Chapter 9: Newcomer Readiness In Context

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content