Course Description

The ability to self-regulate, emerging in the first few years of life, may be the most important factor in determining academic success in later school years. What is self-regulation, how does it develop and what are the implications for early childhood programs? This module is the first in a series of articles considering what research in this area is telling us about best practice.

Dominion Learning Module

Course curriculum

    1. Reflection to Practice Log - PRINT

    2. Introduction

    3. States of Arousal

    4. Shanker's States of Arousal

    5. Reflection

    6. Differences in States of Arousal

    7. The Marshmallow Test

    8. Why Does Self-Regulation Matter?

    9. Self-Regulation and Kindergarten

    10. What Self regulation is Not

    11. How does Self-Regulation Develop?

    12. Reflection

    13. Self-Regulation Skills

    14. Five Aspects of Self-Regulation

    15. Supporting Children's Self Regulation through Intentional Practice

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Module Summary

    1. References

    2. Self-Regulation by Dr Stuart Shanker

    1. We welcome your feedback!

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


5 star rating

Title is appropriate

Adelina Gotera

Text is easy to understand. The videos enhanced learning.

Text is easy to understand. The videos enhanced learning.

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0 star rating

The title give an accurate description that is is an intr...

Deborah Clarke

I liked how they used the marshmallow example and videos incorporated with the reading to present the information with different mediums. I found it very in...

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I liked how they used the marshmallow example and videos incorporated with the reading to present the information with different mediums. I found it very informative and want to learn more about this subject.

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