Course Description

The ability to self-regulate, emerging in the first few years of life, may be the most important factor in determining academic success in later school years. What is self-regulation, how does it develop and what are the implications for early childhood programs? This module is the first in a series of articles considering what research in this area is telling us about best practice.

Dominion Learning Module

Course curriculum

    1. Reflection to Practice Log - PRINT

    2. Introduction

    3. States of Arousal

    4. Shanker's States of Arousal

    5. Reflection

    6. Differences in States of Arousal

    7. The Marshmallow Test

    8. Why does Self-Regulation Matter?

    9. Self-Regulation and Kindergarten

    10. What Self regulation is Not

    11. How does Self-Regulation Develop?

    12. Reflection

    13. Self-Regulation Skills

    14. Five Aspects of Self-Regulation

    15. Supporting Children's Self Regulation through Intentional Practice

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Module Summary

    1. References

    2. Self-Regulation by Dr Stuart Shanker

    1. We welcome your feedback!

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


5 star rating

Title is accurate in describing what the course is about

Catrina Fulton

The course is great, it is helpful in giving different scenarios describing self regulation and how to help different children gain control of there emtions.

The course is great, it is helpful in giving different scenarios describing self regulation and how to help different children gain control of there emtions.

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