Course Description

Relationships may well be the most important component in a quality infant and toddler program. Giving careful consideration and planning to optimize responsive relationships through primary-caregiving assignment benefits children, families and caregivers by allowing relationships that are more in-tune with infants' unique needs.

Contributed by Canadian Child Care Federation

Course curriculum

    1. Foreword

    2. Primary Caregiving: Relationship Based, Family-Centred Practice

    3. The Attachment Relationship of the Child and Caregiver

    4. Fostering Relationships With Families

    5. The Pilot Project

    6. Perceptions of the Primary Caregivers

    7. Parents' Response to Primary Caregiving

    8. Potential Benefits of Primary Caregiving

    9. Primary Caregiving as an Indicator of Quality Child Care

    10. Reflection: From Research to Practice

    11. References

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Module summary

    1. Primary Care

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


  • $100.00

    Positive Group Environments webinar series: Centre registration

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  • $50.00

    Positive Group Environments Webinar series: Individual participant

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