Course Description

While children's play occurs universally, there are patterns and characteristics that vary among and within cultures. Professionals who work with multi-cultural families need to be aware of and able to engage in discussions that serve to increase mutual understanding.The objective of this learning module is to present different perceptions regarding play and development that are relevant to professionals who work in multicultural settings and create a dialogue about play as a universal and culturally-based activity.

University of British Columbia Maya Goldstein, MA

Maya Goldstein completed her Master's degree in Human Development, Learning and Culture at the University of British Columbia. Her thesis focused on parent-child play interactions in immigrant South Asian Families. She worked as a researcher in the "Including All Children and Families Expanding Partnerships Project." She has varied experience, working with children from preschoolers to teens as well as with children with special needs.

Course curriculum

    1. Parent Involvement in Children's Play

    1. Play & Development in a Multicultural Context

    2. Play Interactions in Immigrant South-Asian Families

    3. Video: Play as a Cultural Activity

    4. Reflection: Play variations

    5. Differences in play patterns in Canada and India

    6. The Relationship Between Play & Learning

    7. Parent's Roles

    8. Reflection: Parental Involvement in Children's Play

    9. Tips to Share with Parents

    10. Implications For Educators

    11. Reflection

    12. Implications for Enhanced Practice

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Module Summary

    1. References for Goldstein Study

    2. Additional Module References

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content