Course Description

Dr. Diane Kashin, RECE Diane Kashin
Diane is a registered early childhood educator in the province of Ontario. She has taught early childhood education at both the degree and the diploma level and is now retired from teaching. Diane presents workshops and keynote addresses in Ontario, across Canada and internationally. During the time of COVID, Diane has been writing online content and presenting webinars. Diane’s doctoral thesis: The Impact of Emergent Curriculum can be accessed here. She has also co-written three ECE textbooks: Empowering Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education (2016) Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education (2019) Outdoor and Nature Play in Early Childhood Education (2019) with Dr. Beverlie Dietze. Diane has visited the pre-primary schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy during three study tours in 2006, 2011 and 2018. Diane writes a blog to support professional learning in early childhood education: Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research. You can also find Diane on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram!
Course curriculum
Welcome to the Course
The Environment as the Third Teacher Webinar
Discussion Forum One: What Makes an Inspiring Environment?
Inspiring Environments
Environment as a Third Teacher Seneca College Labschool Video
From Reggio Emilia - The Atelier and the Remida Centre
Third Teacher Presentation for Course.pdf
Open-Ended Materials aka Loose Parts
Materials for Sparking Children's Inquiry and Play Free Chapter
Discussion Forum Two: What are the important considerations in the creation of environments that inspire?
Reading and Reflecting

About this course
- $30.00
- 12 lessons
- 2 hours of video content