Course Description

Canadian expert, Dr. Stuart Shanker, has developed a framework for understanding how young children develop self-regulation skills. He has identified five aspects of self-regulation which have to be managed both individually and as inter-connected areas of reaction and response. This module will look, in more depth, at the second of the five areas, emotional regulation, focusing on the challenges for children as they attempt to regulate both positive and negative emotions and expression of their feelings.

EYPDC Program Development and Early Years Consultant Jan Blaxall, MASc (Psych), RECE, AECEO.C

Jan has 30 years of teaching Early Childhood Education courses at Fanshawe College, London, Ontario and Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario. Jan has co-authored an ECE textbook, Children at the Centre: Principles of Early Childhood Education in Canada and is a regular contributor to the Canadian Child Care Federation's Journal, Interaction. She is on the editorial board of IDEAS - Emotional Well-being in Child Care. Jan served as a member of Ontario's Expert Panel on an Early Learning Framework, for Ontario's Ministry of Children and Youth Services. She works with the Psychology Foundation of Canada, promoting children's emotional wellness.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Why Does Self-Regulation Matter?

    3. Development of Emotional Self-Regulation

    4. The Caring Dialogue(s) and Intentional Communication

    5. Factors that Impact Emotions and Emotional Regulation

    6. The Emotional Arousal Continuum

    7. Shanker's States of Arousal

    8. Being Attuned to Emotional Arousal States

    9. Reflection

    10. Recognizing Emerging Self-Regulation Skills

    11. Reducing the Stressors

    12. Support and Teach Emotional Literacy as Part of Your Curriculum

    13. Provide for Calming Opportunities

    14. Why Is It So Difficult For Some Children To Self-Regulate?

    15. When Emotional Self-Regulation Fails to Emerge

    16. Responding to a Child in a Flooded State

    17. Conclusion

    1. Self Assessment

    2. Module Summary

    1. References

    2. Recognizing Emerging Self-Regulation Skills

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content