Course Description

Welcome to this e-learning module. It is one of several modules based on my book Welcoming Newcomer Children. Three series are suggested: Meeting the Needs of Newcomer Children, Understanding Culture, and Responding to Diversity. This module is recommended as the fourth module in the Culture series.

Author, Consultant Judith Colbert, PHD

Judith is a writer, researcher & training specialist. As a Canadian consultant with an international perspective, her goal is to build bridges between research & practice, mainstream & newcomer experiences.Much of her work focuses on care for young immigrants & refugees. She is particularly interested in the development of appropriate standards for the delivery of quality care for newcomer populations & in the relationship between the settlement of young children & their successful transition to kindergarten.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. How Do Educators Transmit Culture?

    3. Child Development

    4. Video: Ashley Maynard: Culture and Child Development

    5. Play

    6. Video: Rogoff

    7. Video: Ramsey Social/Cultural patterns: Culture and Play

    8. Implications For Practice

    9. Communication

    10. Wrap Up

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Module Summary

    1. Resources

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content