Course Description

In the twenty-first century, societies are becoming increasingly varied. As an educator, it is likely that you encounter children from a wide variety of cultures and are called on to interact effectively with children and parents who communicate best in languages other than English. People who interact well with diverse individuals and groups are often said to have “cultural competence." In this module, we will explore ideas associated with cultural competence, safety and humility in relation to education, in an effort to characterize what is needed – and how it feels - to relate effectively with people from varied cultural backgrounds.

Author, Consultant Judith Colbert, PHD

Judith is a writer, researcher & training specialist. As a Canadian consultant with an international perspective, her goal is to build bridges between research & practice, mainstream & newcomer experiences.Much of her work focuses on care for young immigrants & refugees. She is particularly interested in the development of appropriate standards for the delivery of quality care for newcomer populations & in the relationship between the settlement of young children & their successful transition to kindergarten.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Cultural Competence

    3. Cultural Competency Part 1

    4. Cultural Safety

    5. Cultural Safety Video

    6. Cultural Humility

    7. Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices - Part 1 of 4

    8. Cultural Humility: Closing Reflections , Part 4 of 4

    9. Wrap Up

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Course Summary

    1. Resources

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content