Course Description

In every early years setting, there are some children who struggle with self-regulation and therefore exhibit challenging behaviour. Many of these children can learn to self-regulate with appropriate individual support. Supportive relationships provide a sense of security, connection and co-regulation and thus are the basis for supportive guidance. Individualized approaches, based on what you know about the underlying reasons for each child’s strong needs behaviour, will guide you in providing successful strategies. An intentional plan is needed for challenging situations; this involves connection, protection and co-regulation.

EYPDC Program Development and Early Years Consultant Jan Blaxall, MASc (Psych), RECE, AECEO.C

Jan has 30 years of teaching Early Childhood Education courses at Fanshawe College, London, Ontario and Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario. Jan has co-authored an ECE textbook, Children at the Centre: Principles of Early Childhood Education in Canada and is a regular contributor to the Canadian Child Care Federation's Journal, Interaction. She is on the editorial board of IDEAS - Emotional Well-being in Child Care. Jan served as a member of Ontario's Expert Panel on an Early Learning Framework, for Ontario's Ministry of Children and Youth Services. She works with the Psychology Foundation of Canada, promoting children's emotional wellness.

Course curriculum

    1. Supportive Guidance for Challenging Behaviour - the Importance of a Comprehensive Approach

    2. Defining Supportive Guidance

    1. Relationships are the foundation

    1. Why Children Struggle and Present Challenging Behaviour

    1. Anticipating and Prevention

    1. Intervention with Rel. C-P-R

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content