Course Description
A key principle in any learning process is to build strong foundations that lay the groundwork for future skills, abilities and knowledge. There is no doubt that knowledge of individual letters is important to learn to read and write. There are a number of skills that need to be in place first in order for the child to gain a good foundation in learning about the letters of the alphabet. For effective growth and development, foundations must be based on active play.

Executive Director, Life Long Learn Ingrid Crowther
Ingrid Crowther earned her Doctor of Education in Early Childhood and the Middle years. Her background includes teaching in early childhood, elementary school, university and college programs. She has presented at numerous childcare conferences both nationally and internationally. She has published articles in a variety of journals and has completed ten textbooks and a number of children’s books.
Course curriculum
ABC’s and Learning - Readiness and the Young Child
Matching Activities
Word Cards

About this course
- $20.00
- 6 lessons
- 0 hours of video content