Course Description

This learning bundle provides culturally specific information and approaches that can be applied in everyday practice when supporting Aboriginal families. It was written with many service providers in mind and will increase awareness about First Nation, Inuit and Métis people and their traditional approaches to raising children. Our goal is to enhance service delivery to Aboriginal families and to better fulfill our responsibilities to Aboriginal children. While this module will be most helpful to non-Aboriginal service providers, it may also be useful in the orientation of new Aboriginal service providers.

Best Start Resource Centre

The Best Start Resource Centre is a health promotion organization that works with diverse partners to build healthy, equitable and thriving communities. The Best Start Resource Centre supports service providers who work in preconception health, prenatal health and early child development. The Best Start Resource Centre produces multi-media resources in multiple languages on a broad range of topics related to preconception health, prenatal health, and early child development.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. The Wheel of Support

    3. Understanding: The Eastern Direction

    4. First Nations People

    5. Inuit People

    6. Métis

    7. Historical Factors Influencing Aboriginal Child Development

    8. The Inter-generational Impact of the Residential School System

    9. First Nations Residential School Issues

    10. Inuit Residential School Issues

    11. Métis Residential School Issues

    12. The Sixties' Scoop

    13. Aboriginal People Today

    1. Seeking: The Southern Direction

    2. Aboriginal Child Wellness Wheel

    3. Contributing Factors to the Health Status of Aboriginal Children

    4. Impact on Aboriginal Children 0-6

    5. Early Learning Environments

    6. Addressing Areas of Risk in Aboriginal Families

    7. Effective Support to Aboriginal Families

    1. LISTENING: The Western Direction

    2. Aboriginal Parenting

    3. Understanding and Respect

    4. Support Networks and Extended Family

    5. Understanding Prenatal Teachings

    6. Aboriginal Children in Today’s Society

    7. Holistic Approach to Supporting Children

    8. Choices in Parenting

    9. Parent Health

    10. Case Scenarios

    1. Practicing: The Northern Direction

    2. Power and Privilege

    3. Cultural Identity

    4. Pan-Indianism

    5. Building Trust

    6. Attitudes & Bias

    7. Integrated Approach

    8. Transition from Rural Areas

    9. Urban Centres

    10. Communication

    11. Realistic Expectations

    12. Knowledge of Aboriginal Community Services

    13. Case Scenarios

About this course

  • $24.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content