* Principles and Strategies for Inclusive Early Childhood Programs (1 ECE Hour)
4.5 average rating (2 reviews)This module is designed for Early Years professionals who work directly with children. It discusses the value of and barriers to social inclusion in Early Childhood settings. It challenges ECEs to become observant, knowledgeable, accepting and p...
*Foundations of ECE Practice (1 ECE Hour)
5.0 average rating (1 review)Early Childhood Education is a young profession. ECE has had the wonderful privilege and enormous social responsibility of being able to define its own principles, expertise, practice and obligations based on a variety of sources, unlike more trad...
*All In a Day's Play - Part 2 (1 ECE Hour)
5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Child Development at Work
*Authentic Learning Environments 1 (1 ECE Hour)
4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Learning Principles
*Authentic Learning Environments 2 (1 ECE Hour)
Authentic Assessment
*Authentic Learning Environments 3 (1 ECE Hour)
Building on Observations