Course Description

Over the past decade there has been a shift in early childhood education curriculum from a group focus to an individual focus in early learning and care programs. Individual learning and development depends on the necessity of understanding and supporting children emotionally, so we can help them socially. By doing so we will set them in a positive direction to be able to learn academically in group situations, because they will have the foundational skills to make friends and work in groups, which are needed lifelong skills.

Contributed by Canadian Child Care Federation

Course curriculum

    1. Focus on Group Curriculum

    2. Focus on Emotional and Social Foundations

    3. Emotional Foundation

    4. Social Foundation

    5. Pro-social Foundation

    6. Play Foundation

    7. References

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. Module Summary


About this course

  • $20.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content